Archives & the City (Oct 22 – Nov 15), FOFA Gallery, Concordia University

The Farine Five Roses art project will be making an appearance at Archives & the City, Faculty of Fine Arts Gallery, Concordia University, from October 22 to November 15, 2012. Drop by and join in the fun! Le projet d’art Farine Five Roses est à l’exposition-concours Les archives et la ville (22 oct – 15 nov) à la galerie FOFA (université Concordia). Venez nous joindre !

Let’s call it a renovation.

©2012 Mike Geiger, professional photographer and eagle-eyed sign watcher, has landed another exclusive story. On August 21st, he emailed to say “Griffintown – we have a problem.” He’d just taken the photo, above. Although the paint job he reported earlier has now advanced as far as the second row of letters, you can also clearly see that one of the letters is entirely missing. After some fevered speculation, we were both very relieved when this view greeted Mike two days later:


So, it appears the Farine Five Roses sign has a guardian angel at ADM or Smucker’s. After years of speculation about its imminent demise, all signs point to a prolonged life. Let’s call it a renovation, shall we?

Photos: ©2012

From Snow Job to Paint Job

We interrupt this art project to bring you some very exciting news. If this photo taken by Mike Geiger on July 27, 2011, is to be believed, our beloved Farine Five Roses sign is getting a fresh coat of paint. This is huge news: someone, somewhere in the impenetrable bureaucracies of ADM and/or Smuckers has decided they can’t pull the sign down – at least not yet. Better still, they’re actually looking after it. (Remember that they agreed to keep it lit only until it became unsafe, which to me sounded like code for “once this all blows over, we’ll claim it’s too badly rusted and pull it down anyway”.) Oh happy day.

Photo: ©2011 Full image here.

Love Letters: We Love Us So!

Now that’s what I call a love letter. (Modest alterations required: the J and the T are modified Fs; the Ms are I+V+I.)

What would you do with thirty soon-to-be scrapped, 15′ high, neon letters? Love Letters explores precisely that question. With tongue firmly planted in cheek, Matt Soar makes several proposals for installations around the city. Further ideas welcome! Que faire avec des lettres néons de 15 pieds récemment récupérées? Lettres d’amour explore cette question. Avec un grain d’humour, Matt Soar nous présente plusieurs idées d’installations aux quatre coins de la ville. Toutes autres idées sont les bienvenues!

More Love Letters here.